Well, I don't have to tell you all that it feels like yesterday that I was walking out of Women and Infants' Hospital with a brand new baby in my arms -- not knowing what was in store for Tony and I. And now it's been three years of learning and growing together and I still never know what's in store! Olivia definitely likes to keep us on our toes, challenging us to be even more creative than we thought possible : ) She's a really little girl now, and she never lets us forget it! ("I can do it by myself!")
She is: taking ballet lessons; going to nursery school 4 mornings a week; listening to (and watching) Swan Lake and the Nutcracker A LOT; talking; learning and using her alphabet; writing her name; talking; climbing on the swing set and sitting on the "big girl swing"; talking; running and jumping well; walking on every "balance beam" she can find; dressing up; --- did I mention talking? That girl was an early talker and definitely hasn't stopped since! She is always asking questions, making up her own stories or just chatting with me able what's on her mind -- "I was just thinking about bears and dinosaurs and bears."
Here are some pics from her party - thanks to everyone who was able to celebrate with us - and to those far away, you were there in spirit : )
The birthday girl. |
Swinging with her buddy Peter Stoepker (Jeremy & Tanveer's son) |
Getting sung to -- with her buddy Parker at her side. |
The cake -- complete with custom Angelina Ballerina topper : ) |
Surprise! |
What a great party! |
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