April arrived and with that came the anticipation of Olivia's first plane trip and her first visit with the Atlanta "Greats" - that is, her Great Grandma & Great Grandpa Deerfield, her Great Aunt Nancy, and her Great Uncle Andy & Great Aunt Debbie. She also got to spend time with Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle Jon, who also made the trip down south. We were all greeted with wonderful weather (in the 80s the entire weekend!!) and wonderful southern hospitality : ) We had several great meals and lots of great visiting time at Andy & Debbie's, a nice stroll to the playground on Saturday and a lovely final brunch at Ruby Tuesdays before heading back north. It was so wonderful to see everyone and for Olivia to get to meet the rest of her doting family. Oh, and did I mention she got her wings?!
Debbie, Grandma, Mom and I make goo-goo faces at Olivia. |
Olivia and her Great Aunt Nancy. |
The center of attention
on her Great Grandma's lap. |
Laughing with Great Grandpa. |
"Oh no, Mom saw me watching TV!" |
Playing with Grandma and Sofie the Giraffe
before heading out to the playground. |
"Swings are fun when it's warm out too!" |
Pooped after a nice stroll in the Georgia sunshine. |
Snuggling with Great Grandma. |
Sharing her coaster with Great Grandpa at Ruby Tuesdays. |
Jon and Tony lamented the postponement of their trip to Tuckermans,
(due to Jon's new knee injury), much of the weekend. |
Although an early incident involving a
scratchy beard and a bald head made for a rocky
reunion, Olivia and her Uncle Jon were best
buds by the end of the weekend. |
Jon, Olivia, Me, Dad, Mom, Uncle Andy, Aunt Debbie,
Grandpa and Grandma. |
Exit Jonathan - enter Tony : ) |
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